Aktualizacja Notes Traveler IF 1 dedykowana dla BlackBerry 10

Pojawiła się aktualizacja do Notes Traveler, która rekomendowana jest dla użytkowników BlackBerry 10, a naprawia problemy z synchronizacją poczty i kalendarza.


Błąd Opis
BB10 device always requests full message, even if it contains large attachments. This is a known BB10 issue which will be addressed in a device maintenance release. Until that time Notes Traveler has implemented a work around to reduce data usage. Rather than returning the full message to the request including all attachments, any attachment that can be retrieved at the BB10 device's request later on is removed. The BB10 device can then retrieve the attachment automatically or at the user's request.
BB10 devices have two copies of sent mail. This is a known BB10 issue which has been fixed in some device maintenance releases. Only one copy is actually sent and seen in the Domino database, but two copies are shown on the BB10 device. This is a workaround for devices that do not have the BB10 fix yet such that the device can reconcile the two into one on the device..
Cancelled event may reappear on calendar of event chair. This issue is seen more frequently by BB10 devices due to the fact that BB10 sends frequent calendar updates to the server even if no update action is taken by the user.
Attendee status lost from BB10 device. Attendee status on mobile device is not supported by Notes Traveler at this time. BB10 devices will attempt to detect and maintain the attendee status itself. This fix is an attempt to not interfere with the BB10 device attendee status; however, Notes Traveler can make no statements about the accuracy of the attendee status on the BB10 device.


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